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Dewatering and groundwater control | Stuart Well Services Ltd

Professional Services

Complete and Submit an Application for an Environmental Groundwater Abstraction/Transfer Licence

For your information, as from January 2018 the regulatory position on groundwater abstraction from construction activities (be it dewatering or sump pumping) has changed, with the requirement to have an abstraction licence from the EA/SEP/NRW. However, there are exemptions, if the following conditions can be met:

  • A. Abstraction is temporary and undertaken within a period of less than 6 months.
  • B. Does not cause or is likely to cause damage to a conversation site, specific feature, and protected. species. And either:
  • C. A total abstraction rate of less than 100 m3/day (1.15 lts/sec) or:
  • D. Abstracted groundwater is immediately discharged to a soakaway or back to ground via recharge wells.

On behalf of the Client, we would complete the necessary forms to be submitted to the Environment Regulator (EA/SEPA or NRW) required to obtain a Water Resources Abstraction/Transfer Licence. This includes the following forms:

  • Form WR328 (Part A),
  • Form WR330 (Part B), and
  • Form WR332 (Part C).

In addition, we would prepare a supporting document, which would provide additional information and document of relevance to the application. Where necessary, this would also include information on the proposed dewatering system and schematic layout drawings. Please note the application process normally takes 2 to 3 weeks for required pre-application work with approval currently taking 6 to 9 months to approve. For the application process a Water Feature Survey, Hydrogeological Impact Assessment and Pumping Test may need to be undertaken.

Please contact us to discuss matters further

Complete and Submit an Application for a GIC (Groundwater Investigation Consent)

To enable a pumping test to be undertake an EA/SEPA or NRW Groundwater Investigation Consent (GIC) will be required. This includes permission to construct the borehole(s), and undertake the proposed pumping test, which may include additional monitoring or flow conditions unforeseen at this stage. The application would be made in the client’s name. On behalf of the Client, we would complete the necessary forms to be submitted to the Environment Agency (EA) required to obtain an GIC. This includes the following forms:

  • Form WR32 - Water Abstraction: application or a consent to investigate a groundwater source.

We would look to discuss the proposals with the EA and prepare a supporting document, which would provide additional information and document of relevance to the application. Where necessary, this would also include a technical note and information on the proposed pumping test with schematic layout drawings. Please note a Water Feature Survey may be required as part of the process.

Please note the application process normally takes 2 weeks for required pre-application work with 4 weeks to approve.

Please contact us to discuss matters further

Complete and Submit an Application for a bespoke environmental permit (water discharge activity)

In the event that final discharge for the main dewatering working is via an existing site water course, an environmental licence to discharge will be required. On behalf of the Client, we would complete the necessary forms to be submitted to the Environment Regulator (EA/SEPA/NRW) required to obtain a bespoke environmental permit (water discharge activity). This includes the following forms:

  • Form EPA (Part A),
  • Form EPB (Part B2),
  • Form EPB (Part B6) and
  • Form EPF (Part F1).

In addition, we would prepare a supporting document, which would provide additional information and document of relevance to the application. Where necessary, this would also include information on the proposed dewatering system and schematic layout drawings. Please note, our submitted costs do not include for any additional water analysis, on-going monitoring or addition comparative or analytical works on water quality. Please note the application process normally takes 2 to 3 weeks for required pre-application work with approval currently taking 4 months to approve.

Please contact us to discuss matters further

Water Features Survey (WFS)

In the event that the Environment Regulator requests a Water Features Survey (WFS) would be undertaken and prepared by SWL. The WFS would support the permit applications, and comprise the following:

  • Desk Study; and
  • Site Walkover.

The information obtained from the desk study and site walkover would be presented in a report, which would include a summary of anticipated ground conditions, hydrogeology, summary of water features including groundwater abstractions, surface water abstractions, source protection zones, water network, and surface water features within the vicinity of the study area. As well as a photographic record of the findings of the site walkover.

Please contact us to discuss matters further

Hydrogeological Impact Assessment (HIA)

In the event that the Environment Regulator requests a Hydrogeological Impact Assessment (HIA) would be undertaken and prepared by SWL. The HIA would support the permit applications, and comprise the following:

  • Regional Water Resource Status,
  • Conceptual Model,
  • Summary of Temporary Dewatering Design,
  • Identification of potential receptors susceptible to flow impacts,
  • Assessment of temporary dewatering activities upon potential receptors,
  • If applicable, mitigation measures and monitoring strategy.
  • Conclusions.

Please contact us to discuss matters further

Complete & Submit an Application to Local Water Authority to Discharge to Utility Outfall

If a site utility outfall is required to enable discharge of abstracted groundwater for either the pumping test or main works dewatering, then a Discharge Consent would be required. We will complete and submit the application for a Discharge Consent to the relevant utility owner or their representative, and/or Applicant’s Wastewater Retailer, who will directly contact the Wholesaler. The application would be made in the client’s name. Please note the rates provided do not include application fees and any cost per m3 to discharge.

Please note the application process normally takes 10 to 12 weeks (on the assumption that a separate discharge permit is not required).

Please contact us to discuss matters further

Dewatering Design Note

To establish dewatering requirements and flow conditions a Dewatering Design Note can be produced that will incorporate the following:

  • Introduction.
  • Project Outline and Proposed Structure Details.
  • Assessment of Ground Conditions including Hydrogeology and Groundwater Levels.
  • Dewatering Design including engineering calculations with estimated Radius of Influence and Abstraction Flow Rates (pump volumes).
  • Detailed Dewatering System information including specifications, section and schematic layout drawings.

Please contact us to discuss matters further

Groundwater Modelling Report

Our Groundwater Modelling Report will incorporate the following:

  • Introduction.
  • Project Outline and Proposed Structure Details.
  • Assessment of Ground Conditions including Hydrogeology and Groundwater Levels.
  • Preparation of Groundwater Model using Geostudio Seep/W software.
  • Results of modelling i.e. updated abstraction flows and distance of influences.
  • Conclusion and recommendations.

Please contact us to discuss matters further


Except where noted the rates given do not include for application fees, license fees, volumetric charges or annual charges, which can only be confirmed once the application is complete. Note that some licenses may need to be advertised by the statutory authority which would attract administration fees plus the advertising costs.

Permissions and consents are likely to require an agreed regime for monitoring, sampling and laboratory testing and reporting. Note also that constraints on flow rates, water levels and water quality will almost certainly apply and may be subject to seasonal variation or subject to additional flood or drought condition constraints.

Standard Stuart Wells charges for Professional Services apply. Please contact us to discuss matters further. In the event that Stuart Wells are requested to pay any charges for application or on-going licencing fees a cost + 5% charge will be made.

Accreditations and Associations

ISO-9001 ISO-14001
ISO-22301 ISO-45001
The Temporary Works Forum (TWf)